佇む stand still for a while
F30 / 727x910 mm / 28.62x35.82 inch
薔薇 rose
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
赤い花 red flower
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
灯る to light
F10 / 455x530 mm / 17.91x20.86 inch
ウインク wink
F6 / 410x318 mm / 16.14x12.52 inch
やんちゃガール naughty girl
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
くつろいでいる犬 relax dog
F6 / 410x318 mm / 16.14x12.52 inch
素直 honest
SM size / 158x227 mm / 6.22x8.93 inch
夢うつつ dreamy
F3 / 220x273 mm / 8.66x10.74 inch
ほっぺ cheek
F3 / 220x273 mm / 8.66x10.74 inch
タイトル05 title
235x300 / 235x300 mm / 9.28x11.81 inch
佇む stand still for a while
待っているのか、ただ眺めているのか、少し微笑んでいるのか、むすりとしているのか Are you waiting, are you just looking, are you smiling a little, are you cautious?
F30 / 727x910 mm / 28.62x35.82 inch
Completed in 2017.
薔薇 rose
薔薇の花びらの奔放さ Unrestrainedness of the rose petals.
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
Completed in 2017.
赤い花 red flower
静かに、シンと前を向く気持ち Quietly facing forward.
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
Completed in 2017.
灯る to light
F10 / 455x530 mm / 17.91x20.86 inch
Completed in 2017.
ウインク wink
F6 / 410x318 mm / 16.14x12.52 inch
Completed in 2017.
やんちゃガール naughty girl
やりたい様に貫く強さ Strength to penetrate as you want to.
F4 / 242x333 mm / 9.53x13.11 inch
Completed in 2017.
くつろいでいる犬 relax dog
F6 / 410x318 mm / 16.14x12.52 inch
Completed in 2017.
素直 honest
SM size / 158x227 mm / 6.22x8.93 inch
Completed in 2017.
夢うつつ dreamy
F3 / 220x273 mm / 8.66x10.74 inch
Completed in 2017.
ほっぺ cheek
F3 / 220x273 mm / 8.66x10.74 inch
Completed in 2017.
タイトル05 title
説明文章。この文章はダミーです。文字の大きさ、量、字間、行間等を確認するために入れています。 description.description description description description .
235x300 / 235x300 mm / 9.28x11.81 inch
Completed in 2017.